Avril Lavigne Says Britney Spears Can’t Cope with Fame

Sunday, February 10, 2008 |


Singer/spitter Avril Lavigne believes that Britney Spears has only herself to blame for her recent downfall. Lavigne, who has become known for spitting at the paparazzi, reveals that Spears’ can’t keep complaining about the photographers for just doing their job.

The singer told the UK publication, The Sun, “What’s happened to Britney is all down to who she is as a person.

“If you want a piece of this business you have to be able to deal with it.

“You can’t complain about pressures, the paparazzi, the madness because that’s the job.”

Hmmmm, okie dokie, Avril. But I’m thinking that the spitting might be its own complaint….


“My mom made me go to a Britney Spears concert when I was young. I was like, ‘No I don’t want to.’ She was like, ‘If you’re going to be a performer, you need to see other people.


Trendy couple Avril Lavigne & hubby Deryck Whibley were spotted on Tuesday doing a bit of grocery shopping after the singer got back from her European promo tour.

In a recent interview, Avril revealed that the thing that keeps their marriage going is trust, saying, “We have a really good, strong relationship. There’s a lot of trust.”

Awww, well isn’t that sweet…. But you know, sometimes I can’t tell the difference in Avril & Deryck, they dress so much alike.

You tell me- Who looks better, Avril Lavigne or Hubby Deryck Whibley?s


Flicker-offer & singer Avril Lavigne was quoted earlier this week in the UK’s Sun publication being down on Britney Spears.

Allegedly Lavigne revealed to the tabloid, ”What’s happened to Britney is all down to who she is as a person.”

But there appears to be a problem with that quote, as the singer is now saying she never had those words come out of her little bird-beak mouth.

“I didn’t say that. I haven’t even been talking about her. People ask me about it all the time and I go, ‘You know what? I don’t know her.’”

Hmmm, well I dunno. It this the flicking off/spitting Lavigne talking or the sweet wife Lavigne talking? You know, either way I don’t know her.

Photo Credit- speaking of which, I couldn’t help myself in inserting this hilarious image, but can someone please enlighten me on what it says?……


Watch out Israel, the material girl & her posse are heading your way!

Madonna & pals Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher & Donna Karan are fleeing the Sunset Strip for the Holy Land this week. Madge plans on spending the Jewish holidays with her Kabbalah buddies & maybe a handful of Israeli soldiers as well.

So, I guess there’s only one thing left to say, Shana tovah!


Hehehe. Don’t you just love keeping up with the stars from “Full House”? Our favorite uncle Jesse, John Stamos, appears to be enjoying his booze a little too much these days.

During a press tour in Australia for TV show “ER”, Stamos showed up for two separate interviews more than a little off his alcohol rocker.

Hilariously, when Stamos was asked in one interview if he still keeps up with the Olsen twins, Uncle Jesse replied, “It was interesting the time they were going through some of their issues, um, certainly Mary-Kate.”

“I was getting divorced, so, um, I think Ashley was kind of alone, and, um… at a beach house, and she came down to stay with me… but, um, I think they’re doing really well now…”

While Stamos explained away his behavior on being “jet lagged”, I think we all know the man probably had one appletini too many.


The Ashley of the Olsen twins was sighted outside of her Los Angeles office earlier this week & I almost, almost, didn’t recognize the tiny sweetie.

Ashley was seen donning some exceptionally reasonable clothing, which made me think this was certainly not the Ashley that I know. But then I saw the mile-high heels & knew this was our gal. It’s a wonder that this petite actress can even balance on those things, but then maybe she has the strongest ankles in Hollywood…